- Journal on current issues of chemistry and chemical technology publishes articles. Articles are accepted in English only
- Previously unpublished articles are accepted. Only concrete experimental, theoretical, etc. issues with consequences such as are discussed.
- The version signed by the author or authors must be accompanied by a cover letter from the company where the work was performed, an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the relevant department (laboratory, technical council) and information about the authors. All materials must be submitted in duplicate.
- The article (Microsoft Word for Windows, font size 12 pt, Times New Roman) should be printed in A4 format at intervals and on disk. The text of the article (.doc) and graphic materials should be sent to the e-mail address of the editorial office with separate files (,
- The text of the article should be written concisely, carefully checked. Corrections, drafts, additions are not allowed.
- Frame sizes of the text of the article: left - 2.0 cm, right - 2.0 cm, top - 3.0 cm, bottom - 3.0 cm.
- The text of the article should start with the UOT index from the top left
- Then in the middle of the page should be given the title of the article, under it the initials and surnames of the authors, under the surnames the full name of the institute (enterprise, etc.) that submitted the article, e-mail address (leaving a space blank). Then in small print (11 pt) should be given an annotation after an interval from the main text, keywords after an interval.
- The article should cover the introductory part (justification), the purpose of the work, the description of the experiment, the results, their discussion and summary. INTRODUCTION, EXPERIMENTAL PART (EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY), RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION
- The article should be followed by a LITERATURE LIST. Then the authors' initials, surnames and annotations should be given in Azerbaijani and Russian. Keywords must be provided in the appropriate language after each annotation
- Mathematical and chemical formulas are numbered in parentheses with Arabic numerals, and chemical compounds are numbered with Roman numerals. Only the formulas referenced in the text are numbered.
- Mathematical formulas must be typed on a computer with Microsoft equation 3 and chemical formulas with Chem Draw, provided that the uppercase and lowercase letters are clearly distinguished. Indexes and degrees must be written strictly above or below the symbols to which they belong. Symbols in the Greek alphabet must be placed on the table of symbols.
- If the name of a chemical compound is mentioned more than once in the text, its full name and abbreviated name in parentheses shall be indicated first, and then only the short name without parentheses.
- Physical units of measurement are cm / sec, kcal / mol, kg m-2 hours-1, etc. should be given as.
- In decimals, fractions are separated from full fractions by dots (2.68, 1.03, etc.).
- For marking of chemical compounds (alkyl - Alk, aryl - Ar, heterocycl - Het, Halogen - Hal, etc.) and methods of physical and chemical analysis (NMR - nuclear-magnetic resonance, MGX - liquid-gas chromatography, etc.) standard abbreviations can be used.
- Non-standard marks and abbreviations accepted by the author must be explained by him during the first development.
- If the graphic materials are made in .jpg format, excel and other graphic programs, the original must be provided. The symbols and dimensions in the images must match the text and captions.
- The names of the tables are printed up to the frame of the table
- Parameter dependencies.
- References to the literature in the text are given in square brackets.
- All authors are shown.
- Examples of literature.
Books, monographs
- Семенов Н.И. Цепные реакции. М.: Госхимиздат, 1934. 300 с. (или С.45.)
- Энергии разрыва химических связей. Потенциалы ионизации и сродствок электрону / Под ред. Гурвича Л.В. М.: Наука, 1974. С. 82.
Journals and proseding
- А.М.Алиев, А.Р.Сафаров, А.М.Гусейнова. Подбор активного модифицированного цеолитного катализатора и кинетика реакции окисления изопропилового спирта в ацетон // Азерб. хим. журн. 2014. № 4. С. 9-17
- Бодрый А.Б., Рахматулин Э.М., Илибаев Р.С. О новых гранулированных катализаторах каталитического крекинга // Катализ в промышленности. 2014. № 5. С. 9–13.
- Шихалиев Ш.М., Костяновский Р.Г., Эльнатов Ю.И. Получение деароматизированного дизельного топлива. В сб. тр. ИХФ АН СССР: Кинетика физико-химических реакций. 1987. С. 65.
- Yusifov R.Y. Dəniz suyunun şirinləşdirilməsi məqsədi ilə qaz hidratların əmələgəlmə prosesinin modelləşirilməsi və optimallaşdırılması. Kimya üzrə fəlsəfə dokt. ... дис. Bakı: AMEA Kimya Problemləri İnstitutu, 2008. 150 s.
Patents and copyright certificates
- Пат. 2362797 РФ. Способ получения деароматизированного дизельного топлива / Логинова А.Н., Китова М.В., Фадеев В.В., Иванов А.В. 2008.
- Pat. İ 2003 8214 Az.R. Benzilasetatın alınma üsulu / Həsənov X.İ., Məmmədov Y.N., Rəsulov Z.H. 2004.
- Ахмедов М.П., Султанов Н.Ф., Керимов Ю.К. Катализатор для изомеризации алканов и циклоалканов. A.c. 726702 СССР. Б.И. 1980. № 29.
- Сазанов В.П., Жиляева И.Н., Филиппов В.В. Катализаторы изомеризации бензиновых фракций. Деп. ВИНИТИ. М., 1986. № 4960-72.